Analysis of the Effectiveness of Brake Insulator in Decreasing the Brake Squeal Noise
Brake functions when two different materials are in contact to reduce a motion. Due to surface irregularity, this contact at high revolution and contact force produces irritating noise called brake squeal. This paper presents the study of introducing brake insulator into the brake assembly in order to reduce the noise. Different configurations of insulators are used in the Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The effectiveness of the brake insulator is analyzed using different type of materials. The finite element model of the brake is developed based on actual drum brake dimensions. FEA is used to for modal analysis to predict the modal frequencies and mode shapes. Various friction coefficients, wheel speeds and brake forces are considered in the analysis. The squeal is shown by positive real part of the baseline graph. The accompanied slip rate in the baseline model of the insulator increases the brake squeal noise significantly.Downloads
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