Railway Wheel Wear Analysis


  • Mohd Azman Abdullah UTeM




Wear due to wheel-rail critically influences railway operations. Wear of the wheel alters its profile which compromises the vehicle stability and increases the derailment risk. Past researches have focused on wear prediction due to wheel-rail interaction that crucial for different aspects such as running stability, passenger safety, comfort, life cycle optimization, and maintenance schedule. This research aims to provide an analysis of the comparison wear of the wheel and to analyze and compare the axle against wear rate. The data of wheel wear were measured by using the Calipri device. It is a wheel measurement device that is a highly precise measurement for predictive maintenance. The data obtained were analyzed deeply in order to see the pattern of wear rate of the wheel. The analysis shows that the wear rate increase in a smaller radius of the track curve due to the curve effect that happens because of friction between the wheels and the track. The lubrication system offers a potentially cost-effective means to reduce the wear rate of the wheels thus enhance rail wheels' life.


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