Effect of Tensile Load on Electrical Resistivity of Stretchable Conductive Ink (SCI)
To date, research has tended to focus on emerging Electrical Conductive Adhesive (ECA) with stretchable and flexible substrate or known as Stretchable Conductive Ink (SCI). SCI is more flexible, stretchable and multi-purpose compare with the traditional printed circuit. Limitation on the chatacreization of SCI performance especially on it electrical performane under tensile stress has motivate this study. The aim of this research is to investigate the conductivity of the conductive ink under tensile stress at different elongation. The conductive ink carbon black was used to print on the thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and cure in the oven at 120°C for 30 minutes. The conductive ink was clamp using in-house stretching equipment with different elongation. The resistivity was measured by four-point probe while surface structure was observed by using Axioscope 2 MAT microscope. The result shows that the resistance increased when the elongation increased. For 40mm length of conductive ink, the initial resistance is 0.562 kΩ and its become 1.217 kΩ when stretch until 18% of its initial length. The sheet resistance of the conductive ink also increased due to the defection (porosity) on the surface of conductive ink after stretching. The strain level for 40mm and 60mm also increase form 0.14 to 0.16 that cause incerase in resistance. However, since there are no crack/defection observes at 80mm after maximum elongaton, the resistance start to decrease that cause increase in SCI conductivity.
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