The aim of this work is to produce by reverse engineering method, the connecting rod of a single-cylinder, four-stroke, 8-hp diesel engine using lost wax casting and machining processes.
The connecting rod to be produced was sourced from an 8hp diesel engine generator. The dimensions of the connecting rod were taken and recorded and a hand sketch of the connecting rod was made. An engineering drawing was produced from the connecting rod sketch that was made. A pattern made of wax was produced from a pattern-mould box made of ceramics. The mould that was used to cast the connecting rod was made of green sand.
A replica the an 8hp diesel engine connecting rod has been produced by lot wax casting using reverse engineering method. The values obtained for engine speeds and engine temperatures for the control engine and the engine with the manufactured connecting rod were very close under the two experimental conditions, which confirmed that the efficiency of the manufactured connecting rod is close to that of the original connecting rod.
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Nigerian Institution of Production Engineers. 2013. Vol. 15. 80 - 88.
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Ravi, B. Casting Design and Analysis, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. 2003.
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