Design and Analysis of Centrally Suspended Cage-less Limited Slip Differential
Limited slip differential (LSD) plays an important role in maintaining speeds and in torque distribution between the wheels of the automobile even in case of variable traction. In the present project work, limited slip differential is considered and the objective of the project is to find out tangential, axial and radial forces involved in meshing of the differential gears theoretically. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is carried out on Final, Crown, Side and Ring gears made of 20MnCr5 material and running at a speed of 4000rpm and torque of 122N-m. From the analysis, it is found that the forces and stresses obtained are below the allowable stress of the material considered in designing gears of the differential. Maximum von-Mises stress is for Ring gear and Minimum for Side gears.
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