Study On Mechanical Properties And Microstructure Analysis Of Aisi 304l Stainless Steel Weldments
Manufacturing operations require joining process in a way that it is considered as an important process to be applied in almost every operation or process that involves fabricating of products. The aim of this research is to evaluate mechanical properties and analyzed Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) of austenic stainless steel AISI 304Lweldments. The welding was conducted based on three different sizes of filler wire 0.8mm, 1.0mm and 1.2mm respectively. The arc voltage used also consists of three different values 30V, 60V and 90V and the current flow for Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding was set to constant value of 100A. The specimens were divided into five groups to undergo tensile test, hardness test, impact test, HAZ temperature variation study and followed by microstructure observation. The experimental result showed that tensile strength, hardness and impact resistance were increased with the used of biggest size of filler wire which is 1.2 mm. The relations then were compared with HAZ temperature variation analysis and the image analyzer showed that the transformation from austenite to martensite at HAZ created a hard and brittle structure near the fusion zone. The results revealed that different filler wire size and different arc voltage applied could enforce the austenitic stainless steel structure.Downloads
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