Tin (IV) oxide has been recognized as an alternative catalyst for carbon monoxide gas treatment generated from vehicular and industrial activities. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas produce from incomplete burning of hydrocarbon based fuel and emitted directly from vehicles tailpipes which can affect human health. In this research, tin (IV) oxide was used as a catalyst with the addition of cobalt (II) oxide and nickel (II) oxide as dopants, prepared by modification of sol-gel method. The catalytic ability was tested towards the oxidation of carbon monoxide using Continuous Fixed Bed Reactor (SELOX) instrument. Two catalysts, ECAT1-400 calcined at 400°C and ECAT2-600 calcined at 600°C gave a promising catalytic ability towards carbon monoxide oxidation. Both catalysts completed the carbon monoxide oxidation to carbon dioxide at 215°C and 200°C (commercial catalyst, Pt/ Al2O3 at 200°C). Several techniques were used in this research to characterize the physical and chemical properties of the catalyst materials. The nitrogen adsorption analysis reveals that the best prepared catalyst, ECAT2-600 is in form of mesopore, open cylindrical in shaped with pore diameter of 10nm. The x-ray diffraction analysis shows the presence of SnO2 tetragonal and Co3O4 cubic phase which act as the active site in the catalytic oxidation. The existence of cobalt oxide (in a mixture of Co2+ and Co3+) expected to contribute the excellent oxidation of carbon monoxide.Downloads
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