Elements of maintenance system and tools for implementation within framework of Reliability Centred Maintenance- A review


  • Ikuobase Emovon
  • Rosemary Anne Norman
  • Alan John Murphy




For plant systems to remain reliable and safe they must be effectively maintained through a sound maintenance management system. The three major elements of maintenance management systems are; risk assessment, maintenance strategy selection and maintenance task interval determination. The implementation of these elements will generally determine the level of plant system safety and reliability. Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) is one method that can be used to optimise maintenance management systems. This paper discusses the three major elements of a maintenance system, tools utilised within the framework of RCM for performing these tasks and some of the limitations of the various tools. Each of the three elements of the maintenance management system has been considered in turn. The information will equip maintenance practitioners with basic knowledge of tools for maintenance optimisation and stimulate researchers with respect to developing alternative tools for application to plant systems for improved safety and reliability. The research findings revealed that there is a need for researchers to develop alternative tools within the framework of RCM which are efficient in terms of processing and avoid the limitations of existing methodologies in order to have a safer and more reliable plant system.



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