
  • Jufrizal . Universitas Sumatera Utara Institut Teknologi Medan
  • F. H. Napitupulu
  • Ilmi .
  • H. Ambarita
  • M. Meliala



The first-generation gamma-type Stirling engine prototype, intended for micro combined heat and power applications, was manufactured and tested in 2018. Still, the findings were not promising due to its low performance. The goal of this research is to improve the performance of the gamma-type Stirling engine by using the ideal cycle thermodynamic analysis approach to plan more comprehensively. The research approach employed in this study is an experiment that begins with the design, fabrication, testing, and evaluation of the Stirling engine's components. With air as the working fluid, the second-generation gamma-type Stirling engine was created and tested. The maximal volume of this engine is 0.000201 m3. The heat source employed in the test had an average temperature of 674oC. The results showed that, while not dramatically, the performance engine improved. The value of thermal efficiency, engine speed, and power output all increased. The average thermal efficiency is 24.6%. Meanwhile, the engine speed and power generated averaged 415 rpm and 37.9 W. This increase in performance is a compelling reason to continue to develop the gamma-type Stirling engine in the future.


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