The volume of water in the water reservoir is one of the most important parameters involved in closed-loop water-cooled photovoltaic (PV) systems. However, there are no studies reported on this parameter. Therefore, in this paper, PV modules with different effective surface areas are cooled using different sets of water volumes in a closed-loop system to study the temperature reduction and performance enhancement of water-cooled PV modules. The experimental result indicated that for the 250-W water-cooled module, different sets of water volumes have a significant effect on the surface temperature reduction of the PV module and its performance compared to the 10-W and 30-W water-cooled modules. Hence, the preliminary data indicates that the volume of water affects the inlet temperature of the water, which subsequently affects the temperature reduction and performance enhancement of the water-cooled module in the closed-loop system. Besides, the inlet temperature of the water is also affected by the effective surface area of the water-cooled module.
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