Measurement of Lithium Transference Number in PMMA Solid Polymer Electrolytes Doped with Micron-sized Fillers
PMMA solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) are much safer than gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) due to their better mechanical and thermal stabilities. In this study, PMMA-LiCF3SO3-EC, PMMA-LiCF3SO3-EC-Al2O3 (≤10µm), and PMMA-LiCF3SO3-EC-SiO2 (≤10µm) were prepared using solution cast method, their ionic conductivity and lithium transference number was investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Bruce-Vincent method, respectively. The experimental result shows that PMMA polymer electrolytes doped with SiO2 (≤10µm) exhibits the highest ionic conductivity of 2.35×10-4 S/cm and lithium transference of 0.263 at room temperature. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and Cyclic voltammetry (CV) analysis also shows that PMMA SPEs incorporated with SiO2 (≤10µm) fillers can achieve electrochemical stability up to 3.2V, exhibits excellent reversibility, and good discharging performance.
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