Position Tracking Of Slider Crank Mechanism Using Pid Controller Optimized By Ziegler Nichol’s Method
This paper presents a study on the position tracking response of a Propotional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controlled- slider crank mechanism, which is driven by a two phase stepper motor. In this study, the rod and crank are assumed to be rigid where the Newton second law is applied to formulate the equation of motion. A position tracking control of the slider crank mechanism is then developed by using PID controller. Several tests such as saw tooth, step function and square function are used in order to examine the performance of the proposed control structure. The results show that, the proposed control structure is able to tracking the desired position with a good response. The slider crank mechanism rig is then developed to investigate experimentally the ability of the proposed controller structure. The results show that the proposed control structure is able to track the desired displacements with accepTABLE error.Downloads
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