Investigation on The Mechanical Characteristics Of Sawdust And Chipwood Filled Epoxy


  • A.P. Puvanasvaran Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
  • M. Kamil Sued Universiti Kuala Lumpur



In furniture and paper industries, huge amount of wood flakes and wood flours in the form of chip wood and sawdust are always found as waste. This is known as natural fiber, a renewable source that available at low cost. This study was carried out for three different sizes of fiber which categories into “soft”, “rough” and “coarse” particles that derived from chip wood (CW) and sawdust (SW). The SW and CW fiber were blended with epoxy by using hand tools machine respectively, which then open molding was employed to form a fiber composite and specimens’ accordance to the ASTM standards. It was found that the strength of tensile value for the rough size particles of SW were higher than the CW. The works presented a
good quality of SW and CW fiber composite had been produced which can be used for home furniture utilities.


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