The development of an Antilock Braking System (ABS) using a quarter vehicle brake model and electronic wedge brake (EWB) actuator is presented. A quarter-vehicle model is derived and simulated in the longitudinal direction. The quarter vehicle brake model is then used to develop an outer loop control structure. Three types of controller are proposed for the outer loop controller. These are conventional PID, adaptive PID and fuzzy logic controller. The adaptive PID controller is developed based on model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme. Meanwhile, fuzzy logic controller is developed based on Takagi-Sugeno technique. A brake actuator model based on Gaussian cumulative distribution technique, known as Bell-Shaped curve is used to represent the real actuator. The inner loop controls the EWB model within the ABS control system. The performance of the ABS system is evaluated on stopping distance and longitudinal slip of vehicle. Fuzzy Logic controller shows good performance for ABS model by reducing the stopping distance up to 17.4% compared to the conventional PID and Adaptive PID control which are only 7.38% and 12.08%.
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