Prediction of Peak Temperatures in Straight and Tapered Cylindrical Tool Profiles in Friction Stir Welding Using Improved Heat generation Models
In this work, new model for the prediction of the peak temperatures in straight and tapered/conical cylindrical profiles FSW tools is presented through an improved analytical heat generation models. The developed models take into considerations that the welding process is a combination or mixture of the pure sliding and the pure sticking. From the obtained results, it is observed that increasing the tool rotational speed at constant weld speed increases the heat input, whereas the heat input decreases with an increase in the weld speed at constant tool rotational speed. Also, it was observed that the rate of heat generation at the shoulder is more in flat shoulder that the conical shoulder. The results in this work agreed with the experimental results. Therefore, the improved models could be used to estimate the heat generation in FSW tool.
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