Anisotropic damage modeling: application to delamination in laminated composite structures


  • djebbara benzerga Oran University of Sciences and Technology



The degradation of composite materials laminates has been the object of many studies for more than two decades The goal of these studies is to allow the dimensioning of the structures by taking into account the various mechanisms of damage leading to the ruin of material. The total rupture of a laminated composite passes through several types of damages: cracking of the matrix; rupture of the interface matrix fiber; delamination interplis; rupture of fibers. The phenomenon of delamination, although it appears tardily in the history of degradation of the laminate, its propagation is much faster and would lead directly to the ruin of structures. The objective of this article is to develop from an anisotropic damage a model of delamination making it possible to predict the growth of this phenomenon in the laminated structures



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Author Biography

djebbara benzerga, Oran University of Sciences and Technology

Department of mining and metallurgy



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